Wednesday 6 August 2014

Relational Query Languages |Data Manipulation Language(DML)

DML (Data Manipulation Language)

The Data Manipulation Language (DML) is the subset of SQL used to add, update and delete data and select or retrieval.

INSERT adds rows (formally tuples) to an existing table.
UPDATE modifies a set of existing table rows.
DELETE removes existing rows from a table.
SELECT Retrieve data from one or more table

1. INSERT COMMAND- This command is used when we want to insert a data in a new existing table.This syntax is used for inserting a single value in a each column of a table at a time.
SYNTAX: insert into <tname> (col1,col2,col3) values (‘v1’, ‘v2’ , ‘v3’);
E.G.: insert into hotel (ename , salary, place) values (‘Akash’, ‘10000’, ‘chd’);

When we want to insert a multiple values in each column of a existing table then we used a following syntax:
SYNTAX: insert into <tname> values(‘&1’, ‘&2’);
You have to enter the values  and inspite of writing this command again you can use only [(/) enter].

2.UPDATE COMMAND- This command is used when we want to update a data of existing table.
syntax: update <table name> set <condition1> where <condition2>;
E.g.: update emp set <id=525> where name=’raman’ ;

3.DELETE COMMAND-When we want to delete the data from the existing table.
syntax: delete  <table name> where <condition>;
E.g.: delete  emp where name = (‘pahul’);

4. SELECT COMMAND- Select statement is used when we want to retrieve a data from a existing table.
syntax:   select * from <table name>;
E.g. select * from emp;
When we want to retrieve a specific column from a existing table then we use a another syntax.
syntax: select <colname1> ,<colname2> from <tname>;
E.g.: select name , rollno. from emp;
When we want to retrieve a specific row from the existing table then we use following syntax:
syntax: select * from <table name> where <condition>;
E.g.: select * from emp where depno. = 10;

·    Arithmetic operation perform on a table using select command
Ø Add (+): This is used when we want to add some more content in any row of the existing table.
syntax: select <condition> from <table name>;
E.g.: select sal+1000 from emp;
Ø Between : This command is used when we want to retrieve a data in some particular range.
SYNTAX- select * from <table name> where  <condition>;
E.g.: select * from dept where deptno.. between 10 and 30;
Ø In: This command is used when we want to retrieve a particular data.
SYNTAX-  select * from <table name> where <condition>;
E.g.: select * from dept where deptno. IN(10,20,30);
Ø Null: This command is used when we want to select a null value from the existing table.
SYNTAX- select*from where <column name> is null;
E.g.: select * from where dname is null;

·   Logic condition using select command.
SYNTAX-select * from <table name> where <condition1> and <condition2>;
EG- select * from dept where deptno= 10 and dname= ‘sales’;
SYNTAX- select * from <table name> where <condition1 > or <condition2 >;
EG- select * from dept where deptno.=10 or dname = ‘sales’;
SYNTAX- select*from <table name> where <condition>;
EG- select * from dept where deptno  not in (10,20,30);

·   Sorting commands for table
Ø Ascending order:
syntax: select * from <tname> order by <col name> ;
E.g: select * from dept order by depno;
Ø Descending order:
syntax: select * from <tname> order by <col name> desc;
E.g.: select * from dept order by depno dese;


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